PRO CARTON: Activities, interviews and publications.

The power of LCA’s and the case for Renewables – Live!

Winfried Mühling, Director Marketing and Communications at Pro Carton, sat on a team of esteemed panellists for Packaging Europe.

Date for the Diary – ECMA Congress 2024 – Berlin, Germany

Save the Date for the ECMA Annual Congress and European Carton Awards 2024 Gala taking place in Berlin, Germany on 19 & 20 September 2024.

The 2023 Pro Carton Young Designers Award (PCYDA) winners are ready for take-off!

The 2023 Pro Carton Young Designers Award (PCYDA) winners embark on a trip to learn from cartonboard and folding carton industry leaders in Turkey.

“We are promoting circularity with every square meter of cartonboard produced”

Winfried Muehling is interviewed by Infopack International about the key role that cartonboard has to play in the transition to a low carbon economy.

Pulp and paper manufacturers are innovating their way out of CO2 emissions

The pulp and paper sector has already decoupled growth and CO2 emissions for several decades, but it is going even further in its commitment to climate change mitigation.

Pro Carton will be making its mark at EMPACK Madrid this November!

Pro Carton will be making its mark at EMPACK Madrid with a joint presentation on 30th November with the ECEA Carton of the Year winner, Alzamora Group.

Pro Carton to present at “Free From” Food Expo in Amsterdam in November

Pro Carton to discuss the contribution cartonboard packaging and folding cartons will make for retailers, brand owners and consumers in Europe at the "Free From" Food Expo in Amsterdam in November

Horst Bitterman, Director General of Pro Carton features in circular packaging round table with Lebensmittel Zeitung

Horst Bitterman, Director General of Pro Carton features in circular packaging round table with Lebensmittel Zeitung

Join us at the Sustainable Packaging Summit in Amsterdam this November!

Pro Carton will be presenting at the Sustainable Packaging Summit in Amsterdam on Cartonboard - "Leading role of cartonboard in circularity.”

Groundbreaking packaging solutions awarded at the European Carton Excellence Award 2023

Groundbreaking packaging solutions awarded at the European Carton Excellence Award (ECEA) 2023

Pro Carton Young Designers Award winners announced

Pro Carton Young Designer Award (PCYDA) 2023 winners demonstrate innovation and creativity with unique cartonboard packaging designs

Revealed: Pro Carton Student Video Award 2023 Winners

The Pro Carton Student Video Award (PCSVA) celebrates the filmmaking and storytelling talents of students across Europe