PRO CARTON: Activities, interviews and publications.

Easy Engineering: Cartonboard, the Circular Economy in Action

Given the scale of the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) proposal, there is much uncertainty across the packaging world as industry figures try to untangle what it really means.

PackReport Guest Post: Cardboard represents a living circular economy

Winfried Mühling points out the risks of reusable packaging over recycled cardboard packaging as the direction of the PPWR causes great uncertainty in the packaging world.

The Pro Carton Pan European Carton Awards – what goes on Behind the Scenes?

Members of the Pro Carton Awards team offer some insight into what it takes to host 3 successful pan-European annual Carton Awards competitions.

Fibre Packaging Europe – article published in Politico regarding the importance of high quality recycling

Fibre Packaging Europe fully support the ambitious targets of the EU Green Deal. Recycling experts say high-quality ‘open’ recycling loops help the circular economy. Article published by POLITICO Europe.

The EuroPack Summit 2023 – the must-attend event for packaging heads in Europe!

Pro Carton is delighted to once again be represented at EuroPack Summit in Montreux from 18-19 September.

Positioning Paper of the Paper, Board and Corrugated Board Value Chain on: “Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation” (PPWR)

Position Paper of the Paper, Board and Corrugated Board Value Chain on: "Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation"

Pro Carton Announces the Public Award Finalists for the Student Awards: The Future of Cartonboard Is In Good Hands

Pro Carton's three major Awards competitions - ECEA for packaging professionals and PCYDA and PCSVA for students, are a tremendous success in 2023.

Public Award Voting now open for European Carton Excellence Award, Pro Carton Young Designers Award and Pro Carton Student Video Award 2023

Public voting is now open for the European Carton Excellence Public Award, the Pro Carton Young Designers Award and the Pro Carton Student Video Award. Voting closes on 15th August.

What is the latest situation with Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)?

Comments on the current situation with PPWR as it navigates its way through the various Committees in the European Parliament.

Update on the newly-created Marketing and Public Affairs Workstreams from Pro Carton

The latest update from the newly-created Marketing and Public Affairs Workstreams from Pro Carton.

An interview with Sanjeev Das, Ice Cream Research & Development Head for Packaging & Systems for Unilever

Sanjeev Das, Ice Cream Research & Development Head for Packaging & Systems for Unilever, sits on the judges panel in 2023 for ECEA and PCYDA.

Pro Carton strengthens its position to help industry succeed with CEPI Cartonboard merger confirmed

Members of CEPI Cartonboard and Pro Carton confirm the merger into one strong association under the name Pro Carton.