News about Pro Carton Members

Pro Carton member: New Photovoltaic System in MM Frohnleiten consisting of around 1,000 solar modules

Pro Carton member: New Photovoltaic System in MM Frohnleiten consisting of around 1,000 solar modules

Pro Carton member: Pankaboard Pankakoski Mill receives Energy Efficiency System (EES+) certificate

Pro Carton member: Pankaboard Pankakoski Mill receives Energy Efficiency System (EES+) certificate

Pro Carton member: Billerud celebrates involvement with “Forest in the School” for 50 years

Pro Carton member: Billerud celebrates involvement with "Forest in the School" for 50 years.

Pro Carton member: Stora Enso introduces new era of Tambrite, reduced weight board for rightsizing packaging.

Pro Carton member: Stora Enso introduces new era of Tambrite, reduced weight board for rightsizing packaging.

Pro Carton member: Graphic Packaging Establishes Science-Based Carbon Emissions Reduction Goals

Pro Carton member: Graphic Packaging Establishes Science-Based Carbon Emissions Reduction Goals

Pro Carton member: Young professionals recognize Billerud as one of Sweden’s most attractive employers

Pro Carton member Billerud recognised as one of Sweden's most attractive employers by young professionals.

Pro Carton member: Stora Enso is laying the foundation for the future of circular packaging in Oulu, Finland

Stora Enso to create 300 new jobs at Oulu mill and in support functions, with an additional 1,500 indirect employment opportunities.

Pro Carton member: RDM Group is now the largest independent recycled board producer in Europe

RDM Group has finalised the agreement for the acquisition of 100% of share capital of Fiskeby International Holding AB, the producer of packaging board made from 100% recovered fiber, with one mill in Sweden.

Update on the newly-created Marketing and Public Affairs Workstreams from Pro Carton

The latest update from the newly-created Marketing and Public Affairs Workstreams from Pro Carton.

Pro Carton Member: A solid commitment to sustainability gives Holmen Iggesund the EcoVadis Platinum rating for the third year in a row

Holmen’s Iggesund mill in Sweden has once again been awarded the highest level by EcoVadis, reflecting its solid commitment to sustainability.

Pro Carton Member: Husum plant takes electricity self-sufficiency to a new level for Metsa

Husum plant takes electricity self-sufficiency to a new level for Metsa

Pro Carton Member: WestRock Advances its Commitment to a Sustainable Future

WestRock Advances its Commitment to a Sustainable Future