New series of Infographics about Cartons

Infographics 1: The Carbon Cycle and One tonne

Pro Carton has produced a series of eye-catching Infographics to illustrate the sustainability of cartonboard packaging. The first describes the role of cartonboard’s natural raw material - wood fibres from sustainable forests - in the environment’s carbon cycle. infographic_1 Growing forests that are sustainably managed are effective carbon stores. This carbon is “locked” within the tree and the products which are subsequently made from wood fibre. Recycling extends this even further. At the end of the cartons’ useful life, when carbon is released, it can be absorbed and stored in sustainably managed forests. onetonne Originally, cartonboard is made of wood and cellulose (it also contains some fillers). Cellulose is made through photosynthesis by the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into simple sugars and oxygen. The sugars are polymerised to made cellulose and oxygen is released. One tonne of cartonboard contains cellulose which has stored 1474 kg of carbon dioxide which has been converted into carbon (402 kg of carbon). Look out for the next editions of Pro Carton’s e-news and the Infographic which will tell more about the sustainability of the European forests used to make cartonboard. For more information, please visit the Sustainability section of the website or contact Jennifer Buhaenko, Pro Carton: