PRO CARTON: Activities, interviews and publications.

Greensource Activity update

#Greensource social media activity and forward plans can be found in this update.

Plastic Packaging Tax and EPR Webinar – register today!

The webinar, being run in partnership with the BPIF, will provide an update on the UK Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT).

All Cartons are Circular!

Pro Carton, in co-operation with BPIF Cartons, are advertising in a packaging special report in The Grocer magazine.

Pro Carton’s Museum of Brands exhibition re-opens

Pro Carton’s collection of award-winning cartons is now back on show at the Museum of Brands in Notting Hill, London. Complimentary tickets are available from Pro Carton.

Q&A from ECMA – Pro Carton Webinar – Tuesday 11th May

There was not time to answer all Q&A during the webinar, but we are pleased to be able to answer questions from the webinar here

UK Advertising

Pro Carton and BPIF Cartons will be featured in both The Grocer magazine and The Guardian newspaper on 13th and 18th March respectively.

Pro Carton joins Greensource

#Greensource have formally welcomed Pro Carton as one of the three campaign leaders. #Greensource aims to communicate the benefits of forest-based products, especially to policy makers and politicians.

BPIF Cartons publishes 2021 Yearlet

BPIF Cartons publish 2021 annual yearlet

New Pro Carton Infographic shows Recycling Rates for Packaging Waste

Pro Carton have produced a new infographic showing the recycling rates for different packaging materials

Karton im Megatrend – Pro Carton PROPAK Marketing Event

Zum ersten Mal begrüßte Pro Carton Präsident Horst Bittermann Gäste und Besucher des Pro Carton PROPAK Austria Marketing E-vents im Livestream. Im dritten Jahr der bewährten Partnerschaft richten PROPAK Austria, CASH Handelsmagazin und Pro Carton den Marketing Event gemeinsam aus. Trendforscher Tristan Horx sprach darüber, wie sich die aktuelle Krise auf laufende Trends auswirkt und welchen Platz Karton darin hat. Die Preisträger des dritten Carton Austria Award waren zu recht stolz auf ihren Erfolg.

3. Carton Austria Award: schön und nachhaltig!

Der Carton Austria Award – der Award für die besten österreichischen Faltschachtel-Verpackungen 2020 – wurde heuer schon zum dritten Mal verliehen. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem CASH Handelsmagazin, Pro Carton und PROPAK Austria bietet innovativen Leistungen der österreichischen Verpackungsindustrie eine perfekte Plattform. Gewonnen haben diesmal Cardbox Packaging und AR Packaging.

Co-operations and Collaborations

The “It’s not all doom & gloom” article in this newsletter refers to unprecedented¹ global collective action and I believe that in 2020 the paper and forestry industry has also come together like never before.