The importance of packaging sustainability on consumer purchasing decisions.

This Guidance reviews the pertinent regulatory and institutional frameworks and provides an assessment of available collection and sorting scenarios.

An analysis of the impact of the EU Green Deal and its implications on the European packaging industry.

Results of a recycling study on cartonboard confirming that cartons can be recycled more than 25 times

The European Paper Recycling Council’s 2020 Monitoring Report contains statistics on the recycling rates achieved for paper-based products as well as targets for the future.
Cepi’s annual statistics for the European pulp & paper industry provide robust and reliable data on all sustainability aspects.

In conjunction with the Consumer Perceptions Study, Pro Carton asked over 3,500 young people aged between 11 and 21 years their views on global issues and the environment. You can read the findings here.
An independent consumer survey of the importance of packaging sustainability on consumers’ purchasing decisions. Conducted across seven countries and amongst 7,000 consumers.

Pro Carton has commissioned a study that compares the carbon footprint of cartonboard based packaging against plastic alternatives. Four products have been compared, one in a predominantly plastic pack and one in cartonboard across three food products and one non-food item. The analysis was conducted by RISE, the Swedish research institute and verified by Intertek, a leading Total Quality Assurance provider.

Extended version of FFI/PTS-Project „Recyclability of Folding Cartons and Material Combinations“

An independent consumer survey (2018) of the importance of packaging sustainability on consumers’ purchasing decisions, conducted across 7 countries and amongst 7,000 consumers.

A report on this study was launched in March 2008. It looks at recognition speeds at the point of sale of different types of packaging and the study was conducted in 6 European countries.

Pro Carton’s 2012 brochure explains cartonboard packaging’s approach to Sustainability, Resource Efficiency and Carbon Footprint. It demonstrates that cartons have a strong environmental story to tell and highlights the carbon benefits of choosing cartonboard packaging.

A recently completed study “Packaging: a medium with considerable power” compares the efficacy and reach of 23 communication channels. The study was commissioned by Pro Carton and FFI and conducted by Pointlogic International Media Consultants. For the first time there are actual numbers : cartons are not just packaging but a marketing instrument in its own right and an advertising channel same as TV, print or the Internet.

How do the three pillars of sustainability relate to cartonboard packaging? Pro Carton has published a brochure which gives folding cartons’ perspective on Respecting the Environment; Cartonboard Packaging and Society and Value Creation.

Pro Carton’s brochure clearly explains cartonboard packaging’s approach to fossil and biogenic carbon. It describes the carbon footprint part of the cartonboard and carton industry’s strong environmental story and highlights the carbon benefits of choosing cartonboard packaging.

This report, comissioned from Gruppe Nymphenburg in Germany, looks at how the brain reacts to packaging and how different types of packaging design can appeal to different types of people. It looks in depth at how different groups of people react to various shapes and types of packaging and gives an indepth insight into purchasing habits by different types of people.

This publication looks in detail at the packaging requirements and needs of the over 60 age group. Detailed market research was undertaken on behalf of Pro Carton to establish the likes and dislikes in terms of packaging of this growing sector of the population.

This report summarises a study into the attitudes and feelings of both retailers and brand owners toward the future development of RRP. It looks at the satisfaction with current RRP and also at the views on what improvements are required. Printed copies are available from your local Pro Carton office or you can download a copy.

This report commissioned from Prism by Pro Carton looks at the interface between Cartons and flexible packaging. It covers such aspects as the current markets, expectations for the future and the perceptions of both brand owners and retailers regarding these different packaging materials.