Comments from Satkar Gidda – Chairman of the Jury
I have long held the view that the real future for brand communication through packaging is cartons. However in the space of one year the volume on issues such as sustainability and carbon output is so loud that these are now two of the hottest subjects around. The carton industry is perfectly placed to satisfy such issues as well as being the perfect medium for creative communication to the customer and the consumer. No other packaging material can match cartons in this arena.
It was therefore particularly satisfying to see so many entries once again. The different levels of thinking, creativity and usage of cartons certainly made it very difficult for the judges. So difficult in fact that judging took markedly longer to complete and by the end of it we were completely exhausted.
Now that’s what I call a good competition.
The judges are always looking for something they have not seen before or applying an existing idea in a different way. A pack does not have to be wacky to be innovative. Sometimes a small change on an existing idea can grab the attention. Our customers, the brand owners, are certainly looking for innovation, different and forward thinking from the carton industry so lets deliver it to them and keep on delivering.
Satkar Gidda
London September 2008

Satkar Gidda studied Business Studies and Marketing and has worked 6 years in Sales, Trade Marketing and Brand Marketing for RHM Foods and Nestle followed by 30 years as Sales & Marketing Director of SiebertHead, the longest established brand and packaging design consultancy in the UK. Since March 2020, Satkar operates as an independent consultant.