headline press information

Date 31st January 2012 / www.procarton.com
Title International Pro Carton Congress - the Programme
Text The programme for the International Pro Carton Congress has been finalised! Top European specialists will be presenting their experiences gained in different sectors under the heading "Packaging in a Digital World". The congress languages are English and German (with simultaneous translation). Please book online now and benefit from the early bird bonus! For download in print quality, please click on the photo.

The congress focuses on practical knowledge essential for the future in "Packaging in a digital world". Another highlight is the presentation of the study "The effect of packaging: the role of cartons in the evaluation of media" by Pointlogic International Media Consultants. The climax is the festive "Award Party" on the evening of 18. April with the presentation of the 15. Pro Carton/ECMA Awards, the Pro Carton Design Awards, as well as the special prize of the Pro Carton President.

Wednesday, 18th April

DI (FH) Harald Winkelhofer, IQ mobile
The mobile way of Packaging. QR-Codes enable Call2Action methods

"Still advertising or already scanning?" In some European countries every second person owns a Smartphone. Interactive response elements in classical advertising media have significant acceptance rates and are increasingly used by consumers. A good reason to find out everything worth knowing about the possibilities and creation of successful QR code campaigns: practical examples plus Do's and Don'ts. You should not leave this enormous potential dormant for your brand.

Dr. Salima S. Douven, Henkel
Extended Packaging: QR-Codes at Henkel Consumer Adhesives

Henkel is one of the pioneers among the manufacturers of branded goods: QR codes are used as part of integrated marketing concepts. The cartons for the Pattex adhesive carry a QR code which takes you to an interactive guide on adhesives. Salima Douven gives first hand insights on the development and function of this exemplary customer loyalty programme and tells us how it works, how the programme has been accepted and what the future is.

Marco Atzberger, EHI Retail Institute
Virtual placement on the shelf – is that what the retail trade wants?

Do the ideas of consumers and the retail trade tally, who provides reliable information and who controls the data flow? In their study "Mobile Commerce", the EHI surveyed more than 200 retailers on the opportunities and risks which mobile phones offer by giving customers mobile access to product and price information. The result gives current insights on the rapidly changing status and upcoming projects.

DI (FH) Harald Winkelhofer, Dr. Salima S. Douven, Marco Atzberger, Marc Benhaim, Dr. Georg Stolz, Tim Foley
Panel discussion: Digital Codes – nearly everyone uses them, where is it leading?

Together with the audience, European experts will discuss the present and the future of digital marketing at the Point of Sale and beyond.
Join the discussion: either at the event, or already send your questions for the discussion per E-mail to the Pro Carton congress office.

Award Party: Pro Carton/ECMA Award and Pro Carton Design Award
Presentation of the 15. Pro Carton/ECMA Awards, the Pro Carton Design Awards as well as the special prize of the Pro Carton President on the evening of 18. April 2012 as part of the "Award Party". This is accompanied by a presentation of the innovative concepts of the winners and finalists of the compettion during the congress. The concept has been designed to allow ample time for contacting and networking with other participants at the congress.

Thursday, 19 th April

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Dr. Matthias Karmasin, Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt/Vienna/Graz
Packaging 2.0? Packaging in a media and information society

Everyone is talking about the media and information society. It has become obvious that the spread of (digital) media has changed our life. We can all feel it if we look close enough. And this changes the parameters for consumption, marketing, advertising and also packaging. Will we still need packaging in a digital world? Will packaging need to be different? Or will things stay as they are? We will see – not only in the lecture.

Tim Foley und Georg Stolz, Pointlogic
The Packaging effect: Cartons contributions in the concert of media vehicles

The study, conducted in January 2012 in Germany, looks at the contribution of packaging from two aspects: for the first time, media-relevant contact data of consumers and packaging were quantified and compared with other advertising media, and secondly, the potential of packaging for reaching marketing and communication goals was determined on this basis and subjected to closer analysis.

Dr. Fred Jordan, AlpVision
Digital solutions for packaging authentication

The presentation will cover the various questions related to the deployment of an anti-counterfeiting programme by the branded product manufacturer using packaging components (label, carton box, blister foil). Emphasis will be given to the solutions applied to folding cartons. The most important topics are: Identification and authentication as problems that require adapted solutions, as well as the methods Cryptoglyph ('on-packaging' anti-counterfeiting solution), Fingerprint ('on-dosage' anti-counterfeiting solution) and Krypsos ('product security' server software).

Öystein Aksnes, President of CEPI Cartonboard ,
Dr. Andreas Blaschke, President of ECMA, Roland Rex, Pro Carton President, with the winners of the Pro Carton ECMA Awards
Panel discussion: Innovation: why we need it and what drives it
Together with the audience, the winners of the Pro Carton ECMA Awards and the presidents of the European carton and cartonboard industries discuss the necessity of constant innovation and its impulses.
Join the discussion: either at the event, or already send your questions for the discussion per E-mail to the Pro Carton congress office.

Marc Benhaim, GS1 France
The BarCode on the packaging, a key to the digital world

QR code, DataMatrix, 1D barcode … more and more brands are using packaging to engage customers in the digital world. GS1, a BarCode expert company for more than 40 years, is proposing to help you identify the impact on the physical packaging and anticipate new business opportunities. The technical aspects will be illustrated by several examples of existing mobile applications enabling digital packaging.

Satkar Gidda, SiebertHead
Design with technology in mind

This presentation looks at how brand design is using and working with ever improving technology to enhance communication and interaction with the consumer. Satkar Gidda will also present actual and potential examples from various sectors including FMCG, pharmaceutical and services.

For up-to-date information on the Congress and the speakers visit www.procarton.com.

Book now and benefit from the early bird bonus!
The congress is an absolute must for all decision makers and opinion leaders in the field of branded goods – especially marketing managers, key account managers, buyers from the branded good industry and the retail trade, packaging designers, as well as research and media.

All presentations will be held in German or English and translated simultaneously. Registration is open online now at www.procarton.com under "Congress". Attractive hotel reservations are also available for congress participants.
Congress fee including Pro Carton Award Party: € 790,–
Early bird bonus: reduced fee until 29. February 2012: € 690,--
All prices are per person and subject to VAT.

Please contact us if you have further questions or require additional information:
Pro Carton Congress Office: congress@procarton.com
Suzanne Mc Ewen, Head of Marketing and Communications


Register here for the International Pro Carton Congress, 18./19. April 2012 in Dusseldorf, Germany – simply scan this QR Code with your smartphone.


In case you do not have a scan programme yet on your phone, here are a few app-download suggestions: : Neomedia
(www.neom.com), i-nigma (www.i-nigma.com) or ScanLife (www.scanlife.com).


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Suzanne McEwen +43 1 218 6918 mcewen@procarton.com
Background Pro Carton is the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers. Its main purpose is to promote the use of cartons and cartonboard to brand owners, the trade as well as designers, the media and politicians as an economically and ecologically balanced packaging medium.