headline press information

Date 28th October 2009 / www.procarton.com
Title Outlook on Carbon Reduction
Text First indications from a European new study just completed by Pro Carton showed that less fossil fuels were used in 2008 in cartonboard mills’ production and more biomass was used, than in 2005. Details of the study which will be published by the end of November will show: less consumption of fossil resources and a decrease in CO2 emissions.

The 2008 Report and comparison data is currently being independently peer reviewed by experts at NCASI* and confirmed results are expected in November. These will be publicised in a new brochure on carbon footprint for cartons and also in the November edition of Pro Carton e-news. They will also be discussed at the Pro Carton Congress, 25th – 26th November in Düsseldorf, where Jennifer Buhaenko will be speaking on carbon footprinting and cartons.

The aim of the Report that covers 64% of the total European production for that year is to provide life cycle experts with the best possible environmental data from the industry in order that their analysis and studies will be as up-to-date and accurate as possible.

This Report contains information on the inputs and outputs of the total European cartonboard and carton industry to the environment, measuring a range of emissions and reporting weighted averages.

When comparing the latest dataset with the data collected in the first Pro Carton Environmental Report produced in 2006, an 8% increase in coverage of production was found. The sample of mills from which data were collected was not the same in both years, but a comparison shows that cartonboard mills which returned data for both the 2006 and 2009 Reports, cover about 75% of the production of participating mills.

In 2006, the dataset and methodology were reviewed by IFEU (Institute for Energy and Environmental Research). Several recommendations for improvement were made by IFEU and these have been incorporated into the Environmental Report 2009. As a result the methodology has changed in the new Report: electricity factors were updated and new factors were introduced for additional inputs reported in 2009. In addition, the updated dataset has greater coverage of cartonboard production and more information from converting processes.

Significant changes include:

• Chemicals: Following the IFEU recommendation, more detail on chemicals was collected. For example: chemicals for pulping and bleaching of wood fibres are included and details on starch types.

• Water: Emissions were reported as far as available, for the first time.

• Converting processes: More detail was collected on aluminium plates, varnish and glue. Converting waste is also included.

In should also be taken into account that in 2008, improvements in environmental performance were hampered by the unfavourable economic climate and the necessity to shut down and start up mills over the course of the year.

When comparing results from the two datasets of the same sample of mills, initial findings show an improvement in 2008, in that less fossil fuels were used in the mills’ production and more biomass was used. This would lead to less consumption of fossil resources and a decrease in carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions.

For further information, please contact:
Jennifer Buhaenko at buhaenko@procarton.com

* The National Council for Air and Stream Improvement is an independent, non-profit research institute that focuses on environmental topics of interest to the forest products industry. Established in 1943, NCASI is recognized as the leading source of reliable data on environmental issues affecting this industry, and has more than 75 member companies throughout the US and Canada.




Richard Dalgleish +44 777 613 8510 dalgleish@procarton.com
Suzanne McEwen +43 1 218 6918 mcewen@procarton.com
Background Pro Carton is the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers. Its main purpose is to promote the use of cartons and cartonboard to brand owners, the trade as well as designers, the media and politicians as an economically and ecologically balanced packaging medium.