headline press information

Date 30th November 2009 / www.procarton.com
Title European Carton Industry reduces carbon footprint
by 7 % in 3 years
Text The European cartonboard and carton industry has achieved significant improvements in its environmental performance, according to a Life Cycle Impact Assessment commissioned by Pro Carton. The European industry average carbon footprint was reduced by 7% and improvements were also recorded in other impact categories. Please click on the picture for download in print format.

The latest figure for the average carbon footprint for cartons is 964 kg of fossil CO2 emissions per tonne of cartonboard produced and converted.

This represents a 7% improvement in environmental performance, due to the industry focusing on fuel-related emissions from their production processes. Pro Carton member companies are working to become more energy- efficient and to use more cleaner and renewable energy sources.

The results show strong commitment to continuous improvement. Cartonboard mills aim to use less wood and energy and become more resource-efficient. The carton manufacturing industry has identified waste reduction as a significant contribution of the printing process to environmental protection.

Pro Carton, the Association of European Cartonboard and Carton Manufacturers, commissioned a Life Cycle Impact Assessment of it members’ cartonboard and carton production, comparing the data sets of 2005 and 2008.

When comparing results from the two datasets of the same sample of mills, there is a clear improvement in the latest dataset. Less fossil fuels were used in the mills’ production and more biomass was used. This led to less consumption of fossil resources and a decrease in carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions. Also, emissions to water have decreased.

The carbon footprint results were reviewed by NCASI (National Council for Air and Stream Improvement), a scientific institute based in the USA.

This study does not provide a basis for comparison with other packaging materials, as assumptions and system boundaries may differ.

For further details please visit the Pro Carton website : www.procarton.com / Sustainability / Carbon Footprint

Jennifer Buhaenko, Head of Public Affairs, Pro Carton

Cartonboard Mill

Cartonboard Mill


Richard Dalgleish +44 777 613 8510 dalgleish@procarton.com
Jennifer Buhaenko +44 (0) 1371 856 577 buhaenko@procarton.com
Background Pro Carton is the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers. Its main purpose is to promote the use of cartons and cartonboard to brand owners, the trade as well as designers, the media and politicians as an economically and ecologically balanced packaging medium.